OASIS hat CMIS 1.1 offiziell freigegeben
11. Juni 2013 06:00 Uhr | Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer | Permalink
Die neue Version der Content Management Interoperability Services 1.1 wurde am 23.05.2013 auf der OASIS Webseite veröffentlicht: http://bit.ly/CMIS_1_1 . Mit der neuen Version kommen auch notwendige Funktionen für das Records Management mit der Verwaltung von Aufbewahrungsfristen, Legal Hold u.a. hinzu.
Einige Schwachstellen der bisherigen Version wurden ausgeglichen. Wieviele Anbieter bis wann die neue Spezifikation implementieren werden, bleibt abzuwarten. Direkter Zugriff auf die aktuelle Version 1.1 http://bit.ly/OASIS-CMIS_1-1
Die wichtigsten Änderungen zur vorangegangenen Version:
"Changes for the CMIS 1.1 specification
… very brief description of each major new CMIS 1.1 features:
1.5.1 Type Mutability
Defines the services and protocol binding extensions that allow CMIS clients to create, modify and delete
Type Definitions and Property Definitions for a given repository.
1.5.2 Repository Features
Defines additional schema for the getRepositoryInfo service that allows CMIS clients to discover any extensions or additional CMIS based standards supported on each repository.
1.5.3 Secondary object types
Defines named sets of properties that can be dynamically added and removed from CMIS objects.
1.5.4 Retention and Hold Support
Defines secondary types for formally representing Retentions and Holds on CMIS objects. These in turn
can be used by the repository to protect objects from being deleted or modified. A Retention describes a
period of time that a document must not be deleted, while a Hold marks the document as protected as long
as the Hold is applied.
1.5.5 Browser Binding
A new optional binding specifically designed to support applications running in a web browser or other client
without the need for any additional client libraries. Notable among the differences in this binding are the use
of JSON (Java Script Object Notation, [RFC4627]) instead of XML and the exclusive use of HTTP GET and
POST for all operations.
1.5.6 New cmis:item Object Type
A new top level data model type that is an extension point for repositories that need to expose any other object types via CMIS that do not fit the model's definition for document, folder, relationship or policy.
1.5.7 Service bulkUpdateProperties
A method for supporting bulk property updates on a set of objects within a single service call.
1.5.8 Append to a content stream
Support for appending to a content stream. Enables clients to break very large uploads of document content into numerous smaller calls.