Newsletter der XING-Gruppe „Information & Document Management“ August 2012
31. August 2012 15:22 Uhr | Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer | Permalink
Der aktuelle Newsletter August 2012 der XING-Gruppe "Information & Document Management" ( ) bietet wieder einen aktuellen Überblick über die Diskussionen in der Gruppe der letzten Monate. Der Newsletter ist in englischer Sprache und gibt so auch Interessierten, die kein Deutsch können, Einblick in die aktuellen Information Management Trends in Deutschland.
[EN] Group "Information & Document Management" Newsletter August 2012
Dear group members!
Sommer is leaving and we start into a busy autumn season. Congresses, fairs, seminars, roadshows – the information management scene is gaining momentum.
Some of you may hve noticed that the team of moderators was a little bit lazy. Our last newsletter was sent in December 2011. Not to send news and newsletters was our intention. We received some critique for spamming the XING inbox with our information. Newsletters on XING by the way do not get a lot of attention anylonger because they are banned into an extra inbox. So this year there will be only two newsletters for our group members (previous editions of the newsletter are available here! Please note, that you can tick off the receipt of newsletters and of event inviations from this group. Please do not mail to us, that we shall not send you invitations, news and newsletters on XING. It works the other way round. You select wether you want to receive messages from us (the current German legislation which allows sending emails to recipients who have consented in writing, has no impact and relevance to XING mails [for the different legislations on email please review Wikipedia ] ). There has been some critique in regard to advertising in the group. Postings of headhunters and events occur always when an interesting discussion is under way. Thats the way life goes in open communities. But we are banishing a lot of entries, especially multiple postings with same content of job offerings and event announcements, into the hidden moderation forum. The group is run and moderated by PROJECT CONSULT with support of Coextant and Project Companions. So we will send out invitations and information via XING as well in the future. Please understand, that the moderators can not promote events from other members. We restrict our support on those events, where our group is an official partner (currently DMS EXPO, Stuttgart, October 23rd to 25th, ).
Paul and I want to update you on the activities of our group.
The group hast today 12,269 members. We have a slow but steady growth. Hundreds of group members have left the group, hundreds have joined. There is a lot of fluctuation. The German speaking fraction is growing. We have less interest from XING members speaking French and Spanish. The percentage of active members, who participate in discussion with content contributions is below 1%. Normal entries only find 50 to 100 readers. Only the big controversial discussions find more readers. 96% of the group is passive and probably these members do not even know, that they are part of our ID&M community.
The interest in social communities is changing. XING currently holds its position, although there is some stagnation. We recognize this especially in other groups who are going silent. Facebook still enhances its influence, but in fact is no real business community. Linkedin is growing as well. Other communities in Germany are failing. There is a lot of change in the air for social communities, but Paul and I still find a lot of value in XING, especially in the group we share with you! So we we will continue to address hot topics our the information management industry. Later in the year we will try as well to rvive our real life meetings with members. Together with our partner group "Content Management" we will arrange for roundtables in different cities and we hope to create a new XCML XING Content Management Lounge event again next year.
Lets start with a selection of current discussions
… in [EN] English
[EN] AIIM publishes three reports on Social and Business
Free download after registration [580 reads | 0 comments]
[EN] #WPFD World Paper Free Day 2012 – logos, links, event pages and group
Information, #WPFD logos, links to group and event page for the World Paper Free Day 2012 [80 reads | 0 comments]
[EN] John Mancini, AIIM: "OccupyIT" – free eBook
Free download of the eBook of John Mancini, President of AIIM international [50 reads | 0 comments]
[EN] Six new whitepapers from AIIM – free download
Free download for whitepapers on ERM, SocBiz, BPM, Capture, Sharepoint and Taxonomy [720 reads | 0 comments]
[EN] XING: Enterprise Content Management article available
XING offers a new publication functionality with tagging: a Enterprise Content Management article as test [26 reads | 0 comments]
[EN] Enterprise Email Converter
Based on Hypernet technology Coextant provides an intelligent converter including PDF/A generation [80 reads | 0 contributions]
[EN] Challenges for Records Management
Articles stressing the war betwen order vs chaos – records management vs. enterprise search [400 reads | 0 comments]
[EN] Does Russian legislation allow destroying the original paper records after digitizing or microfilming?
Blog article on the SAPERION blog [20 reads | 0 comments]
[EN] DLM Forum: Public Consultation on 2012 modules for MoReq2010
New modules for MoReq2010 are published for public discussion [180 reads |0 comments]
[EN] International Business Track about ECM at the DMS EXPO, Oct. 25th 2012
Announcement of the presentations of Alan Pelz-Sharpe, Hanns Köhler-Krüner, Andrew Graham and Ulrich Kampffmeyer at DMS EXPO on October 25th, 2012 [ 220 reads | 0 comments]
[EN] ECM – Gartner & Forrester predict strong growth
New market study results May 2012 [320 reads | 0 comments ]
[EN] Integrating SharePoint with SAP Extended ECM
The new Opentext workplace product [160 reads | 0 comments]
… in [ES] Spanish
[ES] "nada"
… in [FR] French
[FR] "rien"
… in [DE] German
DE] Konzept "Elektronische Verwaltungsarbeit" – wie steht es um die Nachfolge von DOMEA?
Waiting for the new concept for German egovernment, OKeVA, which is replacing DOMEA [1,100 reads | 7 comments]
[DE] De-Mail, E-Mail, E-Postbrief oder gar kein Mail
A long discussion about the new secure email "De-Mail" which is provided only by certified providers in Germany as a "German proprietary island solution" [5000 reads | 16 contributions]
[DE] Österreich: zurück zur Signaturpflicht bei elektronischen Rechnungen?
A misleading title about Austria returning to use the qualified electronic signature for e-invoices [1,500 reads | 19 contributions]
[DE] Klarheit bei der elektronischen Rechnung: BMF & BITKOM
In Germany you can now legally send electronic invoices i.E. as emails, as PDF a.s.o. without electronic signature [300 reads | 0 contributions]
[DE] "Und wenn nicht über Email, wie denn sonst?"
How to communicate without email? [900 reads | 6 comments]
[DE] DOMEA am Scheideweg: zukunftsweisender Neuanfang oder alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen?
Discussion about the usefulness of German egovernment concepts – new OKeVA vs. old DOMEA [700 reads | 1 comment]
[DE] Barrierefreiheit
Barrier-free user interfaces will be a requirement in the planned new German e-government law, but what about real life implementation? [200 reads | 3 contributions]
[DE] Elektronische Rechnungen ohne elektronische Signatur ?!
We closed the long lasting discussion on "Electronic Invoices without Electronic Signature" in March 2012 [78,000 reads | 607 contributions] but the story continues …
[DE] Web & Archivierung – keine offene Flanke mehr?
Archiving of web sites and web transactions is still challenging – here a solution [1,100 reads | 4 comments]
[DE] Kürzere Aufbewahrungsfristen für Belege und elektronische Archivierung
Shorter retention periods for electronic commercial document and electronic archiving in Germany? [1,600 reads | 5 contributions]
[DE] Elektronische Unterschrift mit Signatur ja, mit Tablet-PC nein
Electronic signature with card = legal, manually on a tablet = illegal in Germany? [600 reads | 7 comments]
[DE] Archivierung: Artikel auf XING und beim IS Report
New articles about the current status of electronic archiving [60 reads | 0 comments]
[DE] ECM nur noch Ballast?
Is the term ECM Enterprise Content Management only dead freight [360 reads | 0 comments]
[DE] Web Dienst für die Umwandlung von EMails samt Anlagen in ein kompaktes PDF
Coextant provides a special web service for conversion of emails plus attachments in PDF [150 reads | 0 contributions]
[DE] Vertrauenswürdige Archivierung nur mit elektronischer Signatur?!
The long lasting discussion on trustworthy electronic archiving, electronic signature and the technical report TR 03125 continues [50,100 reads |265 comments]
[DE] Immer wieder gern diskutiert … Microsoft & ECM &Sharepoint & Compliance & Revisionssicherheit & …
A contuous discussion – Microsoft, ECM, Sharepoint, Compliance, auditability, a.s.o. [1,000 reads | 5 comments]
[DE] Mikrofilm immer noch erste Wahl bei der Archivierung/Langzeitarchivierung in Deutschland?
Is microfilm still first choice for long term preservation in Germany? [350 reads | 2 comments]
[DE] Bring Your Own Device – mit Information Rights Management Lösungen das Sicherheitsproblem in den Griff bekommen
BYOD is the big challenge for enterprises – a congress on cyber crime shows solutions [66 reads | 0 contributions]
[DE] Vorschläge zur Ausgestaltung gesucht: #WPFD World Paper Free Day am 25.10.2012 auf der DMS EXPO
#WPFD World Paper Free Day at DMS EXPO on 25.10.2012 – Looking for proposals to support the event [150 reads | 2 contributions]
[DE] DMS EXPO 23.-25.10.2012 in Stuttgart | Eintrittskarten
Free tickets – XING group action code – for the DMS EXPO fair & conference at Stuttgart October 23rd to 25th, 2012 [40 reads | 0 comments]
[DE] ECM jetzt auch als "Thema" auf XING
AN ECM article is now available with the new XING funtion "Topics" [60 reads | 2 comments]
[DE] ECM – Konsolidierung versus Ausweitung
ECM -is the market growing or consolidating? [900 reads | 2 comments]
[DE] Neue Funktion "Themen" auf XING – Test mit Artikeln zu Enterprise Content Management
New XING functionality "Topics" for publishing articles with tagging [40 reads | 0 comments]
[DE] John Mancini: "OccupyIT" – Buchempfehlung
John Mancini, AIIM, published a new book "OccupyIT" – download for free [620 reads | 0 comments]
[DE] E-Government in Deutschland: Das neue Organisationskonzept elektronische Verwaltungsarbeit steht zur Verfügung
The new egovernment concept in Germany,m OKeVA, is available and replaces DOMEA [350 reads | 0 comments]
Discussion about SOPA & PIPA extending into ACTA and IPRED [850 reads | 5 comments]
[DE] E-GovG & EGovG – E-Government-Gesetze in Österreich und Deutschland
Comments on the egovernmentz law drafts in Austria and Germany [280 reads | 0 comments]
[DE] Wissenschaftliches Publizieren: Forscher gegen Großverlag – titelt der Spiegel
Scientifc authors fighting Elsevier [150 reads | 0 comments]
[DE] 20 Jahre "Memory of the World" – UNESCO-Programm zum Schutz des Dokumentenerbes feiert Jubiläum
20 years anniversary of the "Memory of the World" UNESCO programme [260 reads | 0 comments]
[DE] Bundeskabinett bringt umstrittenes Leistungsschutzgesetz auf den Weg
A new German law, the Lex Google, serves publishers [160 reads | 2 comments]
[DE] Trends im Vorfeld der CeBIT … ein beliebtes Thema
ECM Trends at tghe CeBIT fair 2012 [2,300 reads | 2 comments]
[DE] US FAA calls for combining CMIS and RMS
Article about the growing importance of CMIS with reference to US FAA [300 reads | 1 comment]
[DE] HTML 5 anstatt PDF/A
Does it make sense to use HTML5 instead of PDF/A for Records Management? [350 reads | 3 comments]
Upcoming group events in autumn and winter 2012 – where you can meet moderators of this group – live –
(You will receive event invitations via XING if you do not de-select group invitations)
18.09.2012 (Frankfurt)
[DE] Elektronische Archivierung | Seminar S113 | PROJECT CONSULT |Offenbach | XING Event
Electronic Archiving
22.10.2012 (Stuttgart – reduced price)
[DE] AIIM ECM Practitioner Zertifikat-Kurs | DMS EXPO Pre-Conference in Stuttgart | XING Event
23.10.-25.10.2012 (Stuttgart – free exhibition tickets)
[DE] DMS EXPO 23.-25. Oktober 2012 in Stuttgart | XING Events | XING Event
23.10.: Keynote Dr. Kampffmeyer
24.10.: Panel discussion cloud-mobile-social
25.10.: International Business Track with AIIM, Gartner, 451 Research
25.10.: Dr. Kampffmeyer on Records Management
25.10.: Panel discussion on #WPFD, ECM trends and social business
25.10.: #WPFD World Paper Free Day @DMSEXPO
25.10.2012 (Virtual event world wide – free)
#WPFD World Paper Free Day 2012
27.11.2012 (Frankfurt)
[DE] 6. Records Management Fachtag 2012 | 27.11.2012
Jobs, jobs, jobs …
There are lots of current job offerings – please check the directory "Jobs" for fresh stuff
Paul Caspers and I wish you a great time and we hope top meet you at DMS EXPO in Stuttgart. Remember – there are free exhibition tickets available!
We are looking forward to a lot of interesting discussions and we are glad for every contribution in French or Spanish!
Kind regards,
Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer
Group moderation, XING Ambassador