AIIM Studie April 2015: „ECM Decisions“
4. Mai 2015 16:26 Uhr | Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer | Permalink
Der internationale Verband AIIM hat seine neue Industry Watch Studie veröffentlicht: "ECM Decisions – strategic options for managing, accessing and preserving content". Die Studie kann nach Anmeldung von der AIIM-Webseite kostenfrei heruntergeladen werden.
Die AIIM international, Silversprings, USA, ist der internationale Dachverband der Branche, die sich in den vergangenen Jahren unter dem Akronym ECM Enterprise Content Management versammelt hatte.Enterprise Content Management ist aber "in die Jahre" gekommen und die AIIM hatte bereits mehrfach eine Renovierung versucht – "Systems of Record and Systems of Engagement". Letzteres war aber zu sperrig. Mit der neuen Industry Watch Studie geht die AIIM auf 32 Seiten den Veränderungen im Markt nach – der Einfluss des "SMAC-Stack" zum Beispiel – um der Branche neuen Fokus und die Adaption der aktuellen Entwicklungen zu ermöglichen. So zielen die Themen der Studie nicht mehr nur auf das traditionelle ECM – auch wenn dieses noch lange nicht überall implementiert wurde – sondern machen sich die derzeitigen Trends zu eigen.
Inhalt der Studie
About the Research
About the Research
Process Used and Survey Demographic
About AIIM
About the Author
Key Findings
Drivers and Adoption
Alternatives to ECM
Alternatives to ECM
Cloud-Based File Shares
ECM Systems
ECM Systems
ECM Strategies
Business Critical
Consolidating Content Process
Multi-Channel Inbound Capture
IG and Records Management
IG and Records Management
Managing Emails as Records
Workplace Social Platforms
Cloud and Mobile
Cloud and Mobile
Private vs. Public Cloud
Mobile Access
ECM Issues and Plans
ECM Issues and Plans
Plans for ECM Sub-Systems
Functionality for the Future
Opinions and Spend
Opinions and Spend
Conclusion and Recommendations
Conclusion and Recommendations
Appendix 1: Survey Demographics
Appendix 2: General Comments
Key Findings
Drivers and Adoption
- Lowering costs and improving efficiency is the main driver for ECM (40%), with compliance and risk second, dropping slightly since 2013 (33%). Collaboration (18%), and customer service (9%) vie year-on-year for third place.
- More than half of responding organizations (52%) are working towards a company-wide ECM capability, but only 14% have completed it. 16% are integrating across departments and 22% are still in departmental mode.
- 10% are looking to replace existing system(s) with a new one. 10% of the largest organizations,13% of mid-sized and 5% of the smallest.
- 62% are still strongly reliant on their file-share. 1% have turned it off, and 15% have “largely replaced it”.
ECM Systems and Strategies
- 52% have three or more ECM/DM/RM systems. 22% have five or more (38% of the largest). These numbers are a few percentage points up on the 2013 survey, so no evidence of consolidation as yet.
- For 67% of organizations, ECM/DM is mission-critical, 54% for RM and 40% for capture and workflow. A third would suffer serious disruption after an outage of just 1 hour, 58% would struggle after half a day of downtime
- 54% are converging on a single-vendor ECM suite, including 21% who may well buy a new one (6% as their first ECM system). 24% are building on best-of-breed or departmental systems, and 8% are looking at a 2-tier structure.
- 88% see plenty of scope for ECM enhancement, although focus has moved on in 30% of user organizations. 75% agree that ECM/RM is a fundamental part of their information security regime.
Integration and Process
- To consolidate content silos, 20% intend to migrate content to ECM, 44% will integrate ECM with other enterprise systems. 15% will rely on enterprise search or content portals and 16% will continue with separate silos.
- Currently, 61% have no connection between ECM and ERP. 24% have a one-way content link, 8% a two-way link and 7% have an AP/AR transaction link.
- 30% have some degree of integrated multi-channel inbound communications, but only 5% are auto-routing to multiple processes. 22% handle paper and electronic inbound separately.
- 37% prefer their workplace social platform to be an extension or module of their ECM system, rather than a separate best-of-breed product. Half prefer an on-prem social platform rather than cloudbased.
Cloud and Mobile
- From a personal view, our respondents are largely in favor of moving ECM content to the cloud (71%), mostly as a small on-prem/large cloud hybrid. Their organizations are less positive, with 48% in favor of cloud, 28% resolutely against, and 28% with no decision made as yet. The dominant preference is for “private cloud” (71%).
- 39% have some degree of mobile access, but only 5% have widespread access for staff and project partners. Less than 20% have comment, edit and process interaction capability that is appbased.
- The biggest current issues are improving user adoption (45%) and consolidating multiple repositories (42%). Raising the level of training and expertise figures strongly (30%), as does dealing with emails as records (32%).
- The definition of ECM is becoming blurred, with 52% agreeing that in 5 years’ time, ECM systems will be an undifferentiated part of the IT infrastructure. Most (63%) currently see their ECM system to be “a compliant home for information” and “a platform for company-wide sharing”.
- Spend intentions are strong, particularly in cloud/SaaS services, and in storage. Outsourced bureau services, and independent consultancy services show little net growth.
Workflow, content analytics and enterprise search have a strong net demand. Email management, auto-classification/data remediation, and case management also show very positive spend intentions.
Die vollständige Studie kann auf der Webseite der AIIM nach Anmeldung kostenfrei heruntergeladen werden:
ECM Decisions: Auszug für Europa
Aus der Studie "ECM Decisions" wurden die Daten für Europa extrahiert und nunmehr von John Mancini vorgestellt ( SIe zeichnen das gleiche Bild wie unser EIM Update seit Jahren schon (; EIM Update 2015 Auswertung
8 things you need to know about ECM in Europe
28% of organizations are implementing an enterprise-scale ECM capability, and an addition 12% have already done so.
The primary business drivers for ECM are: 1) costs and productivity (32%); 2) compliance and risk (30%) and collaboration (29%). Customer service rounds out the drivers at 9%.
The idea of a single content repository is a pipedream for most organization – 47% or organizations have at least 3 major ECM systems in place.
The idea that ECM signals the end of file shares is similarly a pipedream – for 60% of those with an ECM implementation, files shares are still a significant repository (for 26%, the DOMINANT content store!).
22% say they have policies restricting consumer file sharing services, but that these policies are regularly circumvented.
21% say they let users figure out what emails to keep and what to get rid of.
27% say they like their vendor’s roadmap, but find it way ahead of where they are now.
60% don’t have any linkages between their ERP/Finance and ECM/RM systems.
All of this points to a big change in content management: The combined impact of consumerisation, cloud and mobile, and the Internet of Things are signalling the end of the ECM Era — as we have come to know it.
Organisations are struggling with best practices and norms as they make the transition to this sixth era dominated by Mobile, Analytics, Cloud and Collaborative (MACC) technologies – and the companies that provide the vital supporting technologies are rapidly changing shape.
There are several significant trends emerging from this transition:
"Every organization, every executive, every individual, every object is on a digital journey and content is at the heart of that journey,” notes futurist Thornton May. "Content is ubiquitous and critical, but ECM is rapidly becoming invisible.”