AIIM State of the IIM Industry 2022
10. September 2022 14:53 Uhr | Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer | Permalink

Die AIIM international hat ihren jährlichen Bericht zum „State of the Intelliigent Information Management Industry“ herausgegeben. Der Bericht kann kostenfrei gegen hinterlassen der Adressdaten von der AIIM Webseite heruntergeladen werden:
Untertitel ist dieses Jahr „It (still) all comes down to the Customer“, womit der Fokus der Studie bereits beschrieben ist – es kommt auf die Anwenderanforderungen und deren Nutzungsmodelle an.
Auf 20 Folien (von 39) werden die wichtigsten Ergebnisse zu folgenden Themen zusammengefasst:
- Context der Studie (10ff)
- Finding 1 – The Spirit is Willing, but the Flesh is Weak (12ff)
- Finding 2 – An Information Management Program Industry Watch Focused Primarily on Risk/Regulations/Compliance Fails to Move the Needle in the Right Direction (15ff)
- Finding 3 – Leveraging Information for Improved Customer (Internal and External) Experience Is the Mantra for those Organizations Reporting Improved Information Management/Business Alignment (18ff)
- Finding 4 – Information Access, Process Automation, and Data Extraction/Analysis Are the Most Effective Customer-centric IIM Capabilities Used to Achieve Information Management/Business Alignment (20ff)
- Conclusion (24ff)
In einer grafischen Übersicht werden die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Studie zusammengefasst:

Deutlich zeigt sich der Bedarf an besserer Unterstützung und Umsetzung moderner Technologien in den befragten Unternehmen („265 decision-makers drawn from the AIIM community“ – also Anwender, die bereits mit ECM und IIM vertraut sind). Der Bedarf spiegelt sich wieder in den aktuellen Schwerpunkten des CIP Certified Information Professional:
<Zitat> The four core IIM capabilities that provide the structure for AIIM’s Certified Information Professional (CIP) program and inform the conclusions presented in this report:
1) Creating, Capturing, and Sharing Information
2) Digitalizing Information-Intensive Processes
3) Extracting Intelligence from Information
4) Automating Governance and Compliance </Zitat>
In ihrer Zusammenfassung schreibt AIIM:
The IIM practice and all the disciplines that comprise it have never been more important – but not for the reasons that some in our profession espouse. Despite a universal acknowledgement of the importance of digital transformation and the customer experience aspect thereof, our information management approaches don’t always lend themselves to support the single most important transformation driver. The research shows that mindsets and methodologies centered on risk, compliance, and governance for governance’s sake, only water the seeds of discontent when it comes to business executives and business users. One could say that by speaking the language of doubt, risk, and noncompliance, customer experience is the last thing being improved. The pandemic has laid bare the significant cost of misunderstanding customer-centric culture and its impact on the changing world of work. This is evident when comparing those organizations that report an improvement in information management alignment with the business and those that saw no change or a worsening. The former group learned that if information management practices aren’t seen as “moving the product” and “growing the customer base,” they will unlikely change hearts and minds about its importance. Those companies seeing improvement have done so by getting back to a singular focus on the customer, both internal and external. And, they did it in incremental ways beginning with the mapping of key customer touchpoints to identify process improvement opportunities. They serve their internal customers by ensuring that the information needed to perform work is accurate and accessible. And, they have become more data literate to help the business extract meaning from myriad data sources. Learning from them, we see how the foundations of IIM can truly be leveraged and optimized to parlay information into new CUSTOMER wins.
Finally, leverage and refine the other elements of IIM for intelligent capture/extraction and knowledge sharing. “We focus our efforts on data and insights in order to provide the most relevant goods and services. Being able to bring data and information together is key to overcoming a siloed approach to the customer. When these groups work together to build a customer-focused solution, everyone wins.” </Zitat>
Die restlichen Folien beschreiben die Lösungen und Unternehmen der Sponsoren der Studie.