AIIM CIP Certified Information Professional aktualisiert

29. Mai 2019 10:29 Uhr  |  Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer  |  Permalink

Das AIIM CIP Zertifikat wurde im Mai 2019 aktualisiert. Nähere Informationen gibt es hier: Anders als die Master-Kurse der AIIM muss der CIP regelmäßig aktuell gehalten werden. 

PROJECT CONSULT ist akkreditierter Training-Partner für alle AIIM-Kurse in DACH und wird auch den neuen CIP-Kurs anbieten. Interessenten an einem öffentlichen oder Inhouse-Kurs melden sich bitte bei Frau Silvia Kunze-Kirschner. Der Kurs wird von Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer durchgeführt.

Von der AIIM-Webseite das neue CIP-Programm:

CIP: What changes can I expect from the exam coverage?

When we started planning the update, we did so through the prism of our Intelligent Information Management story. We believe and have been sharing for a while now, that organizations today need more than ECM, or Gartner’s replacement, Content Services. These are important considerations, but insufficient, because they create the impression that these are technology issues. The Intelligent Information Management story has a technology chapter, but it’s not the most important chapter. Rather, technology supports the other things that organizations need to do to meet today’s information management challenges:

We also wanted to keep implementation planning on the updated exam. So with a little tweaking from our subject matter experts, here’s what the final updated exam blueprint looks like:

  • Domain 1 – Creating and Capturing Information
  • Domain 2 – Extracting Intelligence from Information
  • Domain 3 – Digitalizing Core Business Processes
  • Domain 4 – Automating Governance and Compliance
  • Domain 5 – Implementing an Information Management Solution

Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer

Curriculum auf Wikipedia

1 Kommentare zu “AIIM CIP Certified Information Professional aktualisiert

  • Neue Schwerpunkte im CIP Certified Information Professional Kurs
    29. Mai 2019 um 13:45

    Jesse Wilkins, verantwortlich bei der AIIM für das CIP Certified Information Professional Programm, hat die wesentlichen Inhalte zusammengefasst:

    Domain 1: Creating and Capturing Information

    Creating and capturing information focuses on all the different types of information and the characteristics to consider in determining how to store, manage, and use it effectively in support of business processes. This domain covers:

    • Capturing Information
      This domain begins with a look at how information comes into the organization and the most effective way to capture it – preferably in an automated fashion.
    • File Formats
      Learn about the common file formats and the importance of using open and standards-based formats wherever possible.
    • Digitalization
      Understanding the process for digitizing paper documents in terms of selecting the proper strategy and the steps in an imaging process.
    • Information Storage
      Once the information is present, it needs to be put somewhere. Pro tip: If you can tell your users „where to put their stuff“ (or better yet, automate where and how their stuff gets put somewhere), that’s a big help. Learn about different solutions such as repositories and file sync and share applications and help you understand which to use when.
    • Collaboration
      Work is a collaborative process, so we spend quite a bit of time on how to do it effectively (hint: it’s not through email), how to manage the collaborative process, and things to consider when collaborating across organizational and geographic boundaries.
    • Knowledge Management
      We take a look at knowledge management as a discipline, with particular attention to how to identify the right person for a specific role or issue.
    • Content Migration
      How do you get information from one system to another effectively? Two things to consider here: what do you migrate, some or all, and how do you ensure the migration was successful and accurate?

    By the end of Domain 1, you should have a solid grounding on how information is created or received by the organization and where and how it is captured so it can be used and managed throughout the information lifecycle.


    Domain 2: Extracting Intelligence from Information

    Extracting intelligence from information is all about gaining a better understanding of the information your organization has by using a variety of tools, techniques, and automation. Let’s take a look at what’s covered in this domain:

    • Metadata
      More than „data about data“, metadata provides the context required to understand information: how it’s used, how it’s managed, and how it is made available to users throughout the information lifecycle. This is one of the three pillars of findability.
    • Taxonomies
      If metadata makes up the bricks of findability, taxonomies are the blueprint. Taxonomies form the second pillar of findability by allowing users to browse information in different repositories and storage locations.
    • Analytics/Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence (AI)
      These tools and techniques form the third pillar of findability by extracting the contents of unstructured documents and making them available to other tools and processes. They also offer significant support for automating common information management tasks like classification and file share cleanup.
    • Data Recognition, Extraction, and Standardization
      These capabilities improve our ability to make sense of images as well as documents and can significantly improve the findability of business information.
    • Search
      Having all this information available doesn’t help the organization if users are unable to find what they need.

    By the end of this domain, you should have a solid grounding on how to extract the value from different types of information and how to leverage these capabilities in support of business goals and objectives.


    Domain 3: Digitalizing Core Business Processes

    Digitalizing core business processes is much more than scanning paper documents or workflows. It involves rethinking business processes and asking questions about how information comes into, flows through, and leaves business processes. It involves reimagining work at the speed of digital and leveraging new capabilities to satisfy business and customer expectations.

    • Introduction to Business Process Management 
      We don’t change processes simply because we’re bored; instead, process change is usually driven by changes in the business, legal, or technical environment. Whatever the changes are to be introduced, though, it’s important to ensure they continue to support business goals and objectives – and it’s important to recognize that successful process change is much more dependent on human factors than technology.
    • Business Analysis
      It’s important to understand the current state before making recommendations for change. Gaining and maintaining senior management support will require an understanding of the cost of making changes to a process – and the cost of not making the changes.
    • Flowcharts
      Flowcharts are simple yet effective tools to help document existing business processes, identify bottlenecks or other process issues, and redesign those processes to be more efficient.
    • Troubleshooting and Improving Existing Business Processes
      Once we understand the issues with business processes, we can take steps to rework or redesign them for efficiency. This could include introducing or expanding the use of parallel processing or work specialization.
    • Selecting the Right Process Automation Solution
      Different business processes will benefit from different technical approaches depending on their complexity and other factors. Whichever approach is selected, it’s important to measure the efficiency of business processes so that corrective actions can be taken as required.
    • Robotic Process Automation
      This is a newer entry into the BPM stack, but it is already proving its value to processes that involve a lot of manual data entry between systems. These solutions free up users to perform more valuable, innovative tasks that require creativity.
    • Case Management
      Case management blends content management and process management capabilities to help manage all content associated with a particular incident, application, or case throughout a business process.

    By the end of this domain, you should have a solid understanding of process analysis and process improvement, and how to streamline and automate business processes in support of business goals and objectives.


    Domain 4: Automating Governance and Compliance

    This domain is important because it focuses on the compliance and risk side of information management. While the primary focus of intelligent information management is on enabling and supporting business goals and objectives, it’s still important to safeguard information to minimize risk and liability. The challenge here is that all the policies and procedures you can imagine won’t help if they aren’t implemented and followed. Here, particularly in the case of records management, users aren’t records managers and don’t want to be – they want to focus on their main job responsibilities. In addition, they aren’t trained to do these types of tasks. So, the better approach by far is to streamline and automate them so that they are relatively transparent to users.

    This is also the single biggest domain on the CIP exam – and looking at the contents, it’s no wonder. 

    • Information Governance (IG)
      IG is the strategy that all the other information management disciplines and tactics support. But this strategy still needs to align to and support the overall business strategy. It starts with assessing the existing IG program (if one exists) in the overall context of the organization, developing an IG strategy, and then building or optimizing IG practices to promote effective information management practices.
    • Records Management
      For most organizations, only a small percentage of information needs to be formally managed as records. But those are their most important information assets because they document strategies, decisions, and financial and legal liabilities. Information professionals should know how to determine whether something is a record and how to manage them throughout the information lifecycle, including how to disposition them at the end of that lifecycle.
    • Information Security
      Information professionals play a key role in balancing security and business requirements and need to know how common information security practices can impact effective information management. This means understanding tools like roles-based access, redaction, and encryption, and when and how to use them effectively.
    • Privacy and Data Protection
      It seems like every day brings news of another data breach. But data breaches are almost always preventable. At the same time, regulations around the globe are forcing organizations to understand what constitutes personal data and how to protect and manage it appropriately. Organizations that leverage the principles of Privacy by Design, that follow effective information lifecycle management practices, and that collect only what they need for only as long as they need it will be much less likely to suffer breaches and the attendant costs – in both money and trust.
    • Digital Preservation
      Information has to be managed throughout its lifecycle; for some types of information, this lifecycle can be measured in decades, centuries, or…longer. Organizations need to understand what they have, where the risks are, and take appropriate actions to ensure they can access information as long as the business requires.

    By the end of this domain, you should have a solid understanding of how to develop and implement an information governance framework and program, how to manage information effectively and securely throughout the information lifecyle, and how to ensure long-term access to digital information.

    Domain 5: Implementing an Information Management Solution

    Such a program includes more than just technology, though that is often a part of the overall solution. But it’s also assessing the current state of the organization, making the business case for change, and designing a solution that will support and enable its goals and objectives.

    • Information Management Strategy
      Any information management initiative needs to support the overall goals of the organization. The strategy should outline the impact of the initiative on ways of working, how business processes may change, roles and responsibilities for the initiative, and the outcomes of the business and technical assessment.
    • The Business Case for Intelligent Information Management
      The business case identifies the expected benefits of the initiative and serves as a baseline for improvement. As the old maxim notes, you can’t manage what you don’t measure, so one of the key outcomes of the business case is to identify key performance indicators and critical success factors that support improved outcomes.
    • Business Requirements for Information Management
      Requirements serve to identify and document how the solution will satisfy the organization’s needs – what is included in the implementation and what might be left for a subsequent iteration. We also compare on-premises vs. cloud from a business requirements perspective.
    • System Design and Implementation
      While every implementation is different, because every organization is different, some common steps need to be included including design, development, deployment, the pilot, local preparation, and the actual go-live process.
    • Change Management
      Most technology projects fail due to human issues rather than technical ones. Change management begins when the project does. While different audiences receive different messages and on different timelines, change management has to be an ongoing process if the initiative is to succeed.

    By the end of this domain, you should have a solid understanding of how to develop and implement an information management solution, from strategy to implementation and post-implementation activities. 


    Weitere Quellen zum CIP Programm


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