#WPFD Process Revolution Handbook | AIIM

16. Oktober 2012 13:44 Uhr  |  Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer  |  Permalink

Pünktlich zum #WPFD World Paper Free Day 2012 am Donnestag, dem 25.10.2012, hat die AIIM international ihr Whitepaper "The Paper-Free Process Revolution Handbook" herausgegeben. 

"The Paper-Free Process Revolution Handbook" wurde von Betsy Fanning und Bryant Duhon, AIIM, erstellt. Das Whitepaper behandelt das Thema #WPFD World Paper Free Day nicht unter "grünen" Gesichtspunkten wie Papier sparen, sondern setzt auf das Thema medienbruchfreie Prozesse zu automatisieren. 


  • Introduction
  • Paper Creates Organizational Sclerosis
  • It’s Time to Change
  • The Business Case: But I Love My Paper
  • What Revolution?
  • Getting Started Checklist
  • Resources to take a deeper dive

Freier Download: http://bit.ly/WPFD-Revolution


Die AIIM Pressenotiz zum Process Revolution Handbook:

AIIM Calls for Paper to Take a Day Off / World Paper Free Day on October 25 Celebrates Reducing Paper From Business Processes With a New AIIM Handbook That Guides Organizations to Do More With Less Paper

SILVER SPRING, MD — (Marketwire) — 10/16/12 — AIIM, the global community of information professionals, today announced a new e-book titled, "The Paper-Free Process Revolution Handbook," is available for download at www.aiim.org/wpfd. The e-book offers a checklist and practical tips for capturing data in electronic format at the onset of a business process to achieve employee productivity gains and customer speed-of-response improvements. Its release is timed with the third annual AIIM World Paper Free day on October 25.

AIIM's World Paper Free Day is a time for managers, IT departments, compliance officers and records managers — essentially anyone reliant on paper trails — to rethink the paper habit and eliminate paper-based bottlenecks from processes. AIIM research shows removing paper from business can result in a 30 to 50 percent process productivity gain and a three- to 10-fold reduction in turnaround response times.

"The predictions in the 70s for a PC on every desk and a paperless office contradicted each other creating a significant disconnect. Desktop computers connected to high-speed printers, copiers and fax machines fueled paper trails rather than paperless processes," said AIIM President John Mancini. "With laptops, tablets and smart phones prevalent today, it is a necessity for companies to rethink paper use and be able to respond in a time frame customers and employees have come to expect from consumer interactions."

AIIM finds going paper-less continues to be a challenge and unproductive habits persist. An Industry Watch report issued earlier this year shows 35 percent of organizations reducing paper consumption with the majority achieving payback in 18 months or less for scanning and capture projects. Typical improvements in customer response times are two and three times faster with many cases being five to 10 times faster. Despite the benefits, 77 percent of invoices that arrive as PDF attachments are printed, 31 percent of fax invoices are printed and then re-scanned and 32 percent of businesses report using more paper and doing more photocopying.

According to Doug Miles, director of market intelligence at AIIM, "The earlier in the process that capture takes place, the better the transparency and availability the content will have. The data is available to the process faster, and handling of paper forms is eliminated."

While it's good to be green, less paper also makes good business sense and the AIIM handbook can guide managers through prescriptive practices and offer quick tips that can be used to implement paper-less business processes.

To learn why AIIM is calling for paper to take a day off join AIIM's World Paper-free Tweet Jams on October 18 and October 25 at 11:00 a.m. EDT by following or including the #wpfd hashtag. For more information on AIIM World Paper Free Day, details on the tweet jams and to download "The Paper-Free Process Revolution Handbook," visit www.aiim.org/wpfd.


Frei download http://bit.ly/WPFD-Revolution

Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer

Curriculum auf Wikipedia https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulrich_Kampffmeyer

Ein Kommentar zu “#WPFD Process Revolution Handbook | AIIM

  • WORLD PAPER FREE DAY - Thursday Oct. 25, 2012
    24. Oktober 2012 um 21:46

    Heute, am 25.10.2012 ist #WPFD, World Paper Free Day!

    Auf der DMSEXPO in Stuttgart startet der International Business Day mit einer Einführung auch zum #WPFD … um 10:00 auf der Kongressbühne in Halle 5.

    Um 17:00 MEZ startet auf Twitter ein Tweetjam m,it dem Hashtag #WPFD.

    Die Botschaft des Tages lautet:

    World Paper Free Day Oct 25:
    do not print
    do not copy
    do not fax paper
    do not distribute printed information (to visitors of the DMS EXPO!)



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