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Verantwortlich in Bezug auf Medienrecht und Urheberrecht ist Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer, Presseausweis ver.di Fachbereich Medien, Landesbezirk Nord, 24-02-13870. Zu allen Fragen betreffend Copyright, Urheberrechte und Zitierungen wenden Sie sich bitte an Ulrich.Kampffmeyer@PROJECT-CONSULT.com.

All texts, images, media and other content are subject to German authorship rights and copyright by PROJECT CONSULT Unternehmensberatung Ulrich Kampffmeyer GmbH, Hamburg, Germany.
All PROJECT CONSULT content was created by Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer if there is no other author named.
All knowledge content, such as articles, blog, books, graphics, presentations, slides, videos, whitepaper and other forms of content, are published with Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND licence. All content is provided for your private, personal use only. Linking content and web pages is permitted. When using content from our websites proper citation is required. Commercial use and commercial distribution are prohibited. The CC BY-NC-ND licence is attributed to all content on our website, PROJECT-CONSULT.com, and on our publication website, PROJECT-CONSULT.Theum.com. Other social media websites may contain older content by PROJECT CONSULT and Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer, which may have been published under other, older Creative Commons licensing terms.
Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer, Press Card ver.di Fachbereich Medien, Landesbezirk Nord, 24-02-13870, is responsible for all authorship, citation, media, publication and copyright issues. For citation, copyright and authorship questions please contact Dr. Kampffmeyer via email Ulrich.Kampffmeyer@PROJECT-CONSULT.com.